8767845059 | sales@aquaflowjm.com | 62 Dumbarton Ave., KGN 10

The flowrate of this dispenser is 1.5 Gallons/min. This minimizes the wastage while maintaining adequate flow.

Reduces the inconvenience of not having running water. Popular in kitchens and restrooms.

Young and old can operate without any challenges. Pull the lever all the way forward for hands free flow.

High-density polyethylene container making it safe in the sun.

Pearly white finish, shiny on the outside. Easy to spot impurities against the white background.

Use for washing hands or dispensing fluids. Use outdoors or indoors.

Protect your staff and your customers by always making running water available in restrooms and avoid scenarios where persons have to dip in an open bucket. This reduces the risk of contaminating the water and spreading bacteria.

Donate to a loved one or worthy cause. Sometimes the small things can make a big difference particularly for the most vulnerable among us. In water stressed communities, bucket dispensers make practical, high impact gifts and they are durable too.

Don’t ditch it, RETROFIT it! Transform a plastic container into a water dispenser. For JMD$1,500 you can retrofit your plastic container. This activity has created many smiles in water stress communities. Are you part of a citizens or homeowners association? Call us today with all your retrofitting questions. 8767845059

“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak” – Rachel Zoe. To some of us, identifying and expressing our personal style comes naturally. For others, finding and refining a unique style may feel a bit more daunting. Choose a pattern that best fits the purpose/destination of your dispenser .

Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room. While capitalizing on strategic marketing opportunities, allow people to say:
- Your Company is socially responsible,
- Your company takes the health of the public seriously,
- Your company cares about people, the community, Jamaica
- Your company cares about environment sustainability, understanding that our resources are not unlimited.
Learn more about Water and Corporate Responsibility[pdf]
Round town delivery starts at $1000 which ranges from same-day to next-day depending on the time the order was placed and availability of the courier. Specials arranges will have to be made for out of town deliveries.